Polish eating habits



Today I will explain something about Polish eating habits.

First of all – we eat breakfast 🙂
Large one, which give you energy for whole day. With scrambbled eggs, or pancakes, or milk with cereals or sandwiches made by bread with butter and ham or cheese . Normally we drink tea, coffe, milk, cacao or fruit juice -whatever you like. Time is depending on which hour you have to go to school or work – most often is between 6.30 -8.

During the day we eat “second breakfast” at about 10-11. Usually is a sandwich or a fruit.

We eat dinner when we finish our work. In weekend about 14 o’clock, during working days about 17-19. Dinner normally is only one dish: soup or meat with potatoes and vegetables. But you can substitute meat with a fish, and of course make changes with potatoes for example with rice or french fries.  Very popular also are traditional polish dishes like pierogi<picture below> or placki ziemniaczane. Nowadays some dishes from other countries, for instance pasta with sauce, are becoming more popular .

pierogi z miesem

source of the picture

Supper time is about 19-21, but it is rather small meal.  Normally could it be a salad,  sandwiches,  pancakes or whatever you like.

Of course during weekend time for each meal could be different, for example you can make barbecue for supper, or eat dinner with first dish, second one and even a dessert.

If you want to compare it it is more similar to german eating habits, which are described here:
German Eating Habits
and totally different from Italian habits which are described here:
Italian Eating Habits

Pesto Chicken Florentine :)

Pesto Chicken Florentine Recipe

Mmmmmmmm. Healthy and yummy! This is the new dinner recipe that I would recommend you to try next!

I was looking for something healthy to put into my noodles when I stumbled upon Pesto Chicken Florentine at allrecipes.com. Penne shaped pasta is my favorite, and I am also a fan of spinach, and pesto so this recipe was perfect for me! Is it for you? Leave a comment on your thoughts!

Another recommendation would be to add artichokes into the pasta! Or swap it with the chicken if you do not eat meat.

The ingredients included are -2 tablespoons of olive oil – 2 chopped garlic cloves – 4 boneless chicken strips -2 cups of spinach leaves -1 4.5 ounce package of dry Alfredo sauce – 2 tablespoons of pesto – 1 8 ounce package of penne pasta – 1 tablespoon of grated Romano cheese.

For a video that shows how to make it, click the link below!
